Resource Coordinator Services
Providing support and services to help you or your loved ones live comfortably and independently.

In-Home Services
Programs offered through SISRC are run on VOLUNTEER POWER! All volunteers are required to complete a criminal record check. We are always looking for volunteers to assist us with Driving, Friendly Visiting, Telecheck, Administration and Program Assistance.
Our Housecleaning & Handy Helper Program is available through reliable housecleaners, yard maintainers and trades people who are fee-for-service workers. These individuals are required to complete a criminal record check and are usually referred by a satisfied client.

Driver/Escort Program
If you require assistance with transportation, arrangements can be made for a volunteer driver to pick you up and take you to your destination. A rate schedule is available that outlines the amount needed to reimburse drivers for the cost of gas. (Rates subject to change with gas prices)

Handy Helper & House-Cleaning
Help with housekeeping, yard work, snow removal, house repairs, laundry, etc., can be arranged to be done by reliable fee-for-service workers for a reasonable price. A Seniors Resource Coordinator will follow up to ensure work has been completed to satisfaction.

Equipment Lending Service
The SISRC provides a service that lends crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and personal care items at no cost. A refundable cash deposit required. Donation of new or used equipment is always appreciated. Tax receipts are issued for any monetary donations, which are gratefully accepted.

Friendly Visiting/Telecheck
If you or someone you know would benefit by having a volunteer visit on a regular basis, this can be arranged. Time may be spent sharing hobbies, reading aloud from the newspapers, playing games or just having a chat. For someone who lives alone, a daily hello and conversation with a cheerful voice can be very reassuring. Telechek can also reduce the number of times that someone is ill or injured without anyone being aware of the situation.

Lifeline is a personal response system that provides peace of mind to you and your loved ones. Assistance and emergency services are available to you at the push of a button. Ask about Auto-Alert! Local volunteers provide the installation and maintenance of Lifeline equipment. An installation and monthly fee is required and payable to Victoria Lifeline.

Meals on Wheels
The Meals on Wheels program is designed primarily for the older temporarily disabled, disabled, or ill persons who are unable to prepare a healthy meal on their own. Meals are made at Rosewood Lodge and delivered Monday to Friday by SISRC volunteers.

E.R.I.K (Emergency Response Information Kit)
E.R.I.K. is a kit that magnets to your fridge and contains pertinent information which aids emergency response personnel to assist you more quickly and efficiently in an emergency situation. These kits are produced by SISRC and donations are greatly appreciated.

At Home Hair Care
For seniors that are unable to leave their home, SISRC provides a list of hairdressers that will come into your home. Call our office for more information.

Form Assistance & Resource Information
Assistance is available to help with the completion of difficult forms and provide information resources. An online version of our Seniors Resource Guide is available or stop by the office to purchase a printed copy.
We Need Volunteers!
All our services are made possible with the help of our volunteers. If you’re interested in donating some of your time and talent to the SISRC we’d love to hear from you.